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Shipped with Care
We grow tens of thousands of plants every single year, but every week, our teams pick out only the BEST from what's now ready to ship so you get the freshest plant possible.

Sansevieria francisii has a distinctive growth form - the leaves are spirally arranged in compact rows of five and it keeps adding more rows until it bends under its own weight, then it will send out stolons from among the leaves (walking legs) Leaves are between 3" and 7" long ending in a pointed spine like tip, green with gray-green cross banding, a shallow channel on the upper surface of the leaves and dark green lines turning into grooves. Sansevieria are known for being a GREAT house plant. They do well with light watering. Within the average house environment, Sansevieria only need to be watered every other week or so. Be sure the soil is almost entirely dry before fully watering the plant again. They don't mind stagnant air, which lends to their ease in home environments. They do well in a moderately wide range of lighting conditions but they enjoy moderate lighting the most. They don't mind the heat either.
We grow tens of thousands of plants every single year, but every week, our teams pick out only the BEST from what's now ready to ship so you get the freshest plant possible.